19.10 - 28.10

Tarje Gullaksen

Kul Shee Maku

The work Untitled ("It's always kul shee maku,
said Sgt Rob Hammer, a 32-year-old squad leader
from Kansas, reciting the Arabic phrase for
"there is nothing," which the entire platoon knows.)
consists of a white foil with cut-out letters
covering the windows in front of Bastard.

Inside the space Gullaksen shows six prints of
randomly chosen pages from Louis-Ferdinand CĂ©line´s
book Guignol´s Band, magnified and emptied for words –
all that remains are different constellations of
ellipses (…)
The exaggerated use of ellipses and
the splintered sentences
in Celine´s book reflects
his own impotence and rage when
confronted with the
fragmented existence of experiences and memories.

Michael Johansson


Johansson methodically constructs a 3.5 m tall monolith consisting of any kind of material, tools and artworks he can find rummaging through Bastard´s storage room and closets. The found objects and items are reset and transformed into elements of a monument.